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A collection of 34 posts

What I learned about network programming with Kotlin/Native

What I learned about network programming with Kotlin/Native

A note to preface: you can find the project repository here. The origin story After a while developing software in Java, I was intrigued by all the praise of Kotlin and also interested in Kotlin/Native as a way to develop applications that don't require a VM to run. Inspired by this Golang implementation of traceroute, I settled on trying my hand at implementing traceroute with Kotlin/Native. tracerte is already available on every operating system, so why the hell would I rewrite it? Good qu

Mike Hadam10 min read
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Setting up PostGIS with Rails and ActiveRecord on Fly.io

Setting up PostGIS with Rails and ActiveRecord on Fly.io

How to get Ruby on Rails working with PostGIS and PostgreSQL on Fly.io

Caleb Rutan2 min read
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